Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh Happy Day!!!!

Lots of things in my life make me happy. Kids, hubby, job, friend, movies, books, Most of all JESUS!!! But there was one happy day that stand out in my mind and will forever. I had this friend who let me get really close to her while she was pregnant. I had never been up close and personal with anyone pregnant and she let me ask questions and learn a great deal about what all it was going to take when it was my turn. But then one day I truly don't remember how she got there I just remember her being in the hospital in pain. hubby at her side and all the family present. I remember my hubby giving her hubby a small break so he could walk out of the room and get some air. And she squeezed his hand so tight he thought she broke it!!! And then a cry a loud one and a Big Beautiful baby boy!! I remember thinking WOW that is so worth it!!! And that she was so lucky!!! Well I loved that boy from the beginning from the 1st minute I held him and that was 13 years ago tomorrow!!! Happy birthday JMatt!! I love ya!!! (And give your mom a break she will probably cry at some time today!!!!)


Junebug said...

okay, i hate you!
I am sitting here with TONS OF TEARS pouring down my cheeks. Your love for him means so much to me! Thank you for being there with me that day...and every day since then. I can't believe its been 13 years. Wow. I am so proud of him!!

Love you!!

southernutahgirl said...

You and him rock!!!! I love you too!!!