Monday, August 25, 2008

Secret Love

Tonight I went to the "kind ones" classroom to meet with his teacher have her explain every day math to me and see how the class generally runs. First let me say I LOVE HER!!!! She loves to teach. She was enthusiastic even at 7pm at night after teaching all day, and took time after her presentation to speak with all of us standing around. She always spoke positive even in relating problems with parents. And I think I understand everyday math now wow!!! Any way here is where I was blown away. I went out to see the new P.E. room and met with his SPED teachers whom I also really love. I had only met this teacher one time before on open house night the day before school started. We met her as a family and "The Thinker" did not seem particularly interested. Apparently I read her wrong. I found out tonight that she goes by his SPED teacher everyday, hugs her and asks how he is doing in class. The Sped teacher tells me that she also watches to make sure he get to class. This is truly out of her way to do this . she could so just walk right to class and not even stop. She could talk to her age friends and not even bother but she does. WOW!!! Of all the times I have said she does not even like him I now she she secretly must really love him. She goes out of her way each day to make sure he is taken care of. Something I cannot do . I am truly touched and proud of her Of course she obviously does not want me to know she does this so for all who are reading it is a SECRET Love. And I am writing it down to remind myself when she does and says things about him that make me think otherwise. I only hope it will continue as they grow older.


Kearsmom said...

That is sweet.

Junebug said...

didn't see that one comin'!!