Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dumb things I do!

I do lots of dumb things!!! I know that no big surprise but ,my obsessive compulsive self has done it this time! I always clean out the children's closets and change out their summer clothes for some fall ones. Well in doing so I ran across a birthday present Jake was given last year that had not been opened completely and certainly not played with. He was very eager for me to open and "play" with him. It was a build it yourself Lego car Ferrari. Thousands of pieces and a 56 page instruction booklet. My hubby who has built some of these in his day but was out for the afternoon at work and so I took if upon myself to complete this "play time". Well after 4 hours and a lot of frustration I reached the point to put on the final touches! The wheel won't fit, the mirrors have no place to connect and the kids really want me to finish his car!!!!! I am so dumb!!! I love puzzles but I should have known better when I saw this thing to know I would need a boy to help. I have never built anything important with Lego's in my life!!! DUH!!!! So if anyone reading this wants to come help me fix it so he can have a proper Lego Ferrari feel free! (by the way if anyone reading this is the one who gave him this gift it is not that it is not liked or appreciated it was put in storage and sealed until I pulled out his fall clothes box he Really does love it!!!)

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