Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas, Christmas, Time is here.........

WOW! Where has the time gone. It seems like only yesterday was Thanksgiving now what 15 days till Christmas. I cannot seem to get it all done. I am sure it has nothing to do with my short stay in the hospital or the fact that it seems every one of my kids teachers expect that we have loads of time to do big projects right now,pick out science fair projects or read 23 books. But i really am not complaining I am just so happy that as of right this minute everyone is healthy and that we are in our own house this year for Christmas. I am so thankful for all the blessings I will not complain . Well... at least not a whole lot. I hope you and your have a VERY MERRY CHRIST-CENTERED CHRISTMAS!!!!!!


Brina M. said...

Haha, Tami I know what you mean...between finals, friends meltdowns, my meltdowns and everything in between I am so ready for christmas break! I am praying for you and I love you! Give your kids a hug for me!

Junebug said...

LOVE the picture of the kiddos!

Merry Christmas! Love you!